The Daily Star পত্রিকার Vocabulary গুলো সব একসাথে

001)            A devastating fire – একটি বিধ্বংসী আগুন
002)            Abduction – অপহরণ (larceny, stealing, theft)
003)            Abused – নির্যাতিত
004)            Abused his power – তার ক্ষমতার অপব্যবহার
005)            Accomplice – দুস্কর্মের সহযোগী
006)            Accountability – জবাবদিহিতা
007)            Accumulation of sludge – কাদা জমা

Free Download Cambridge IELTS Book 12 PDF with Audio

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is widely recognised as a reliable means of assessing the language ability of candidates who need to study or work where English is the language of communication. These Practice Tests are designed to give future IELTS candidates an idea of whether their English is at the required level.

Free Download Cambridge IELTS Book 11 PDF with Audio

Cambridge IELTS 11 provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material. You can choose an edition containing either four complete tests for Academic or for General Training module. An introduction to these different modules is included in each book, together with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge English Language Assessment. A comprehensive section of answers and tapescripts makes the material ideal for students working partly or entirely on their own. These tests are also available separately for purchase online from

Free Download Cambridge IELTS Book 1 to 10 PDF with Audio

Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS series (1 – 12), written by experienced IELTS examiners provide IELTS learners with excellent exam practice, including around 50 complete authentic practice tests for the International English Language Testing System examination.

Each edition contains four authentic IELTS examination papers for the Academic module of the International English Language Testing System examination, plus extra Reading and Writing papers for the General Training module. The Student’s Book contains an introduction to the different modules of the exam together with an explanation of the scoring system used by Cambridge ESOL, the different IELTS question types and how to approach them. The inclusion of annotated keys and tapescripts for each test makes the material ideal for students working partly or entirely on their own. The Audio CDs contain listening material for the IELTS listening section in the same timed format as the real IELTS test so that they can reflect the reality of the IELTS exam.

How to start IELTS Preparation?

IELTS এর প্রস্তুতি কিভাবে শুরু করবেন?

এক মাস সময় থাকলে:
এক মাস সময় নিয়ে প্রস্তুতি নিতে হলে প্রতিদিন কয়েক ঘণ্টা করে সময় দিতে হবে। আমি এখানে চার সপ্তাহে ভাগ করে প্রস্তুতির বিষয়ে আলোচনা করেছি। বই গুলো কিনে নিতে পারলে এবং নিজে নিজে চেষ্টা করলে সহজেই আপনি ভাল একটা স্কোর পাবেন।

কি কি বই কিনবেন:
  • কেম্ব্রিজ সিরিজের -১১ বইগুলো।
  • The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS (Free Download করুন Your English School এখান থেকে)

IELTS Maximiser Educational Book Speaking (Ebook)

IELTS MAX/MlSER Educational Book has been primarily designed for candidates aiming to achieve a band score of 6 or 7 on the Speaking Test of the IELTS exam, although candidates intending to achieve a band score of 5 will also benefit from the book, it covers many aspects of the interview with ample samples and provides a considerable number of highly focused ideas to improve candidates' performance.

200+ Idioms and Phrases with Bengali Meaning

বাংলা অর্থ সহকারে ২০০+ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Idioms & Phrases

001)      A B C প্রাথমিক জ্ঞান
002)      A host in oneself একাই একশ
003)      A man of parts গুণী ব্যক্তি
004)      A man of word এক কথার লোক
005)      Above board প্রকাশ্য, সন্দেহাতীত
006)      Acid test অগ্নি পরীক্ষা

100 Things You Can Do To Improve Your English

100 things you can do to improve your English. Have a read of the below list and we are sure you will find a lot of helpful tips to improve your English!

1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them.
2. Surround yourself in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. The best way to learn is through speaking.

Describe your favourite pastime activity

Describe your favourite pastime activity.

You should say:
  • when it was
  • why you enjoy it
  • how long you have it as a pastime activity
and say why this is your favourite pastime activity.
[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer: 
I am sure that majority of the population across the world love reading books. In fact, I also love to read books and there are no specific genres are available. Book reading is a favourite pastime for me. And I have a large collection of various types of books. Thank you for the smart question. 

Oxford Picture Dictionary PDF Free Download

A new edition of the popular picture dictionary, available in 13 bilingual editions that meet the language needs of young adult and adult students around the world.

English Grammar in Use by Raymond Murphy_PDF

English Grammar in Use Book with Answers: A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English

English Grammar in Use Fourth edition is an updated version of the world's best-selling grammar title. It has a fresh, appealing newdesign and clear layout, with revised and updated examples, but retains all the key features of clarity and accessibility that have made the book popular with millions of learners and teachers around the world. This 'with answers' version is ideal for self-study. An online version, book without answers, and book with answers and CD-ROM are available separately.

How to Make Question Fluently

কিভাবে দ্রুত প্রশ্ন করা যায়

নিচের দুটি নিয়ম মনে রাখলেই সহজে এবং দ্রুত প্রশ্ন করা যায়ঃ
১) প্রশ্নটি কি দিয়ে শুরু হলো, অর্থাৎ কখন, কিভাবে, কি, কতজন ইত্যাদি (Start with what, i.e When, How, What, Ho many etc.)
২) উক্ত বাক্যের Subject কয়টি।

কখন Do verb (Do, Does, Did) ব্যবহার হয়?
কখন Be Verb (am, is, are, was, were) ব্যবহার হয়?

IELTS Academic Training Module Exams-Software

The most important things you need to know to help you prepare for the IELTS Academic Training module exams.

The Use of Tense in Conversation

কথোপকথনে Tense- এর ব্যবহার::

ইংরেজিতে কথাবর্তা বলতে গেলে Tense-এর ১২টি ভাগ জানার দরকার নেই। তিন Indefinite Tense অর্থাৎ,
1) Present Indefinite, 
2) Past Indefinite,

3) Future Indefinite এবং
4) Present Perfect Tense

Top 993 Vocabulary Words PDF

001)    A bone to pick ==> রাগান্বিত হওয়া
002)    Abandon/Desert ==> ছেড়ে যাওয়া
003)    Abate /Soothe ==> প্রশমিত করা, কমানো
004)    Abatement ==> কমানো

প্রতিদিন ব্যবহৃত খুব সহজ কিছু ইংরেজি

✬ Blessed be your tongue.
= তোমার মুখে ফুলচন্দন ফুটুক।
✬ None of your little games.
= তোমার কোন চালাকি চলবে না।
✬ So far, so good.
✬ See you around.

= দেখা হবে।

Why is Grammar Important

There is no actual grammar test section in the IELTS test, but you are still graded on this by the examiner in the speaking test and writing test.

These are specifically what you are graded on in each test:

English Synonyms of Various Diseases

বিভিন্ন রোগের ইংরেজি প্রতিশব্দ (English Synonyms of Various Diseases):

1. Fever – (ফিভার) – জ্বর
2. Pain – (পেইন) – ব্যথা
3. Gripe – (গ্রাইফ) – পেট ব্যথা
4. Pill – (পিল) – বড়ি
5. Ulcer – (আলসার) – ক্ষত
6. Leprosy – (লেপ্রসি) – কুষ্ঠ
7. Cold – (কোল্ড) – সর্দি

IELTS Listening

Coming soon…..

IELTS Writing Test (Task 1, 2) In 2017 & Sample Answers

IELTS Writing Task 1
The pie chart below shows the main reasons why students chose to study at a particular UK university in 1987 and in 2007. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparison where relevant.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1—13, which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.
Let’s Go Bats
A   Bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the dark. They hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles. You might say that this is a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day. But the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds. Given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade. It is probable that the nocturnal trades go way back in the ancestry of all mammals, In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night. Only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago were our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.

Download Cambridge IELTS Books

Click the links below to Download Cambridge IELTS books:
  1. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 1
  2. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 2
  3. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 3
  4. Cambridge Practice Tests for IELTS 4
  5. Cambridge_Practice Tests for IELTS_5
  6. Cambridge ielts 6_test1
  7. Cambridge ielts 6_test2

Some tips about basic English


The English language is divided into nine classes. These classes are:
  • Noun
  • Article
  • Adjective
  • Pronoun
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Preposition
  • Conjunction
  • Interjection

IELTS Speaking FAQ

IELTS Speaking FAQ Section aims to answer all the questions you might have regarding the IELTS speaking test. Some of the FAQs are designed to give you as much information as possible to eliminate any doubt you might have. Read carefully the questions and answers listed here as they will better prepare you for your speaking test. Some answers would even guide you to prepare well for this test.

Q. How long does the IELTS speaking test take? 

A. The IELTS Speaking test will take around 11-14 minutes.